Travel to Flintwoods
All events during the masterclasses are held in The Barn at Flintwoods located north of Wilmington, Delaware.
There is train and bus service to Wilmington, the closest city. If your plans include air travel, the nearest airport is Philadelphia (PHL), but one can also fly either to Newark (EWR), New Jersey, or Baltimore (BWI), Maryland, and take a shuttle to the Amtrak station where you can make a train connection to Wilmington. Arrangements will be made to pick up participants at the Wilmington Train station or Phildelphia Airport. Auditors are responsible for their own transportation to Flintwoods.
Participants will be housed in accommodation near the Barn at Flintwoods. Accomodation is in private rooms, some with shared bathrooms. Meals will be provided at the Barn.
Accommodation is not available to auditors at Flintwoods. Accommodation is available at one of several nearby hotels. The Greater Wilmington Convention and Visitors Bureau maintains an up to date listing of area hotels. Search for accommodations in Downtown Wilmington or North of Wilmington and PA.
Please note: Flintwoods is NOT accessible by public transportation. Rental cars are available at the Wilmington Train Station and all airports. Driving directions are available HERE.